This specific initative has been put on temporary hold. Please inquire if you have any questions.

THRIVE The Gems for Gems Empowerment Series

Formally known as our ‘Zero to Hero Program’, our new format will include all aspects of motivation, education and empowerment that our community has come to know and love, yet it will now offer program and time flexibility!

Thrive events will be a minimum duration of one-hour, up to the full three-hour program. Our categories remain unchanged, yet they can now be mixed and matched to meet your timing and group needs. 

Please see the list below of our categories.

  • Psychological Coping Skills
  • Resilience
  • Financial Literacy
  • Self Defence

The mission of these events is to show survivors they can be the hero to their own story and to add fuel to the empowering journey they have already begun.

The THRIVE Empowerment Series is designed to be held in more intimate settings (groups from 15 to roughly 50) in order to create a safe and comfortable setting through which survivors may ask questions, engage in the activities or feel at ease just listening.  However, we are more then happy to accommodate a suitable itinerary for a larger group.

Each of the four pillars have been selected specifically to reflect the needs of survivors who have just left the abusive relationship, are thinking of returning and/or are ready and willing to take the next step toward the life they deserve to have.

Below is a more detailed description of each category.


We always have a psychologist come and speak on coping mechanisms both directly after leaving abuse and for down the road when triggers could happen in public without warning.


We have a leader from the community come to speak on their version of resilience, reaching that attaining goals is very possible with the right mindset as well as with the knowledge that you must always be kind to yourself and understand that setbacks aren’t the end of their journey, but a part of it.

•Financial Literacy: 

Through our experience in the shelters we have worked with women from every economic background, yet the common denominator is they have barely escaped with their lives and left only with the clothes on their back. 

Even the most well-planned exit strategies leave women with extremely limited resources. We work with experts in this field to again, build from ground zero to financial stability through exposing common pitfalls, temptations, and by educating on resources not commonly known and therefore underutilized.

•Self Defence: 

All maneuvers are simple to master, taught from a few compromising physical positions and effective in being able to allow those crucial seconds to run. Each session is ended with survivors learning they are capable of much more then they thought. It is powerful.  

•Entertainment: The event concludes on a literal ‘high-note’ with a local artist giving an intimate performance.

Every emotion possible is experienced by everyone in the room and yet through the design of these events, everyone leaves feeling empowered with tools to assist them in their current situation and beyond.

Please contact us should THRIVE be a fit for your group!